Quick tips Dotnet Executing assembly location in a Dotnet (core) single file app How to get Assembly location for modern .NET projects embedded in a single-file app.
Quick tips Dotnet Private Nuget feed in Docker .Net Core application Using public Nuget from Nuget.org is always easy, you just need internet connection. But when you need private Nuget feed it sometimes doesn’t want to work, especially in isolated Docker container.
Quick tips Disable ctrl+shift shortcut in Windows 10 to stop language switch keyboard layout hot key Every Windows user knows that typing CTRL + SHIFT changes keyboard layout and that typing it by mistake is easy, which can be really annoying. Luckily this can be changed.
Quick tips Sql Error in MSSMS: Attempt to retrieve data for object failed. Invalid Urn filter... When you work with MS SQL Server in Docker container, you may come across problem with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. See what’s going on.
Quick tips Docker Docker run problem no such file or directory (or other strange message) When you cannot start Docker container correctly and have problems like No such file or directory or some other unintuitive message, there is one thing you should check first…
Quick tips Docker Docker logs from last run container Running Docker containers is what we do often, so it’s good to know how to do it to see Docker logs immediately.
Quick tips Git Error 459 - permission denied while trying to run git bisect with script How to fix error occurring during git bisect run - 459: /usr/lib/git-core/git-bisect: script.sh: Permission denied.
Quick tips Linux TFS Linux Agent with error: The user's home directory could not be determined How to fix problem with dotnet restore on TFS 2017 Linux agent - The user’s home directory could not be determined.
Quick tips Error using jquery-csv: $.csv is undefined Javascript has nice tool to read and transform csv data, with handy api but with unexpected inconvenience as well.