Docker Dotnet Optimize Docker .NET Core project and docker-compose solution to reduce build image time Docker has built in great cache mechanism, but to be able to use it, you have to understand how it works. Let’s dive into it, to build .NET Core Docker images faster.
Git Introduction to Git Bisect with CodeceptJS automation example Many developers have heard about Git Bisect, but only few gave it a try. It’s a pity, because it can… find a bug without your attention!
Docker Sql Initialize MS SQL in Docker container - create database at startup Microsoft SQL Server is available for Linux so we can run it from Docker container, but usually we need to initialize database at startup, which currently is a bit tricky.
Linux Git Security Store Git SSH key pair in Linux with Libsecret to skip asking for credentials If you have to connect to Git via SSH, your usual credential manager may be not enough. Read how to avoid entering password every time on your Linux device.
Docker Dotnet Sql Docker compose introduction - Dotnet core app composed with MySQL Database Introduction to docker-compose - basic aspects explained with .NET Core app and MySQL DB composed together.
Docker Dotnet Multi-project .net core solution in Docker image Creating Docker images from dotnet solution with project references is easy when you understand basics of Docker commands, but writing proper Dockerfile can be tricky for beginners.
Dotnet Fare (xeger) - generate string that matches regex pattern in C# Matching text using regex patterns is extremely useful. But sometimes we need to invert this process and create text which will match the regex. The solution has already been written.
Linux Git Security Libsecret - remember Git credentials in Linux Mint and Ubuntu securely Typing username and password every push is burdensome and irritating… libsecret git credential storage to the rescue.
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